Referrers Login


If you are having trouble logging in please contact Nicole on 0423 701 406 or Email:

Terms and Conditions

Conditions of Use: The use of this Application is governed by STRICT PRIVACY LAWS. This Application gives the user access to highly confidential information from In Focus Radiology. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that there is no breach of any patient’s privacy or any other personal or commercial laws as a result of its use. By logging in into the application the user agrees to abide by all the privacy laws and takes responsibility of ensuring there is no illegal use of the data available in the application under their login credentials. The user agrees not to share or disclose his own personal login credentials with anyone else as they are for his/her personal use ONLY and agrees to use this application only for evaluation of their own patients. The user also agrees not to access any other available data which is not relevant to patients under their care.